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Answers to the questions we get asked the most!

Don't see the answer you need? Contact us through the Park Feedback button on the top right of any page of this website!

Does the dog park cost the town money?

Just in sweat equity! We do depend on help from DPW for repairs and builds that our volunteers cannot complete, as well as for weekly waste pick ups. However, the park has been built 100% with contributions that the committee has raised and the community has offered, and we do use some of those funds to pay for any materials that DPW needs in order to support our town's newest public space. 


How can I contribute?

We have just rolled out our online contributions via Square payments. Click on the "Make an Online Donation" button in the top right of the page to contribute. Or, if you'd like to be old school, we can accept checks made out to "Town of Tiverton" with "Dog Park" noted in the memo line. Checks can be dropped off or mailed to the Treasurer's Office, Town Hall, 343 Highland Rd., Tiverton, RI 02878. However you choose to contribute, thanks! 


Are contributions tax deductible?

The short answer: Yes. The long answer: Contributions to municipalities are generally tax deductible under 26 USC 170 (c)(1) if made exclusively for a public purpose. Please double check with your tax professional for your specific situation.


How do I contact you?

Our email address is or you may click the "Park Feedback" button on the top right of this page and fill out our form!


Are there any restrictions to using the park?

We are open to dogs and their people from anywhere!

  • Dogs must be spayed/neutered, and up to date on their rabies vaccine.

  • For safety (leashes can get tangled easily!) we strongly recommend unleashing dogs in the first gated area before the "welcoming committee" comes to sniff, bark, and play in the main park areas (there are separate areas for large dogs and small dogs).

  • Dogs who aren't feeling well should not come to the park until their wigglebutt is back in business!

  • Dog treats are not allowed in the park area, due to possible issues with food aggression or allergies in some dogs.

  • Please note that dogs and their people use our park at their own risk. The full list of rules and regulations are posted at the front gate. Be safe and have fun!


Where is the Dog Park located?

The park is located adjacent to the Tiverton Public Library on Roosevelt Ave., behind the Stafford Road Fire Station. Although parking is available in the Library's parking lot, we strongly recommend parking at the Bulgarmarsh Recreation Area, across the street from our park, when the Library is open. 


Can I volunteer?

We thought you'd never ask! We'd love your help! We're always seeking assistance with picking up and disposing waste ( we have a barrel on Roosevelt that gets emptied twice a week), helping spread wood chips, paint fencing, minor repairs, etcetera. Click the "Park Feedback" button on the top of the page and we'll be in touch!

© 2024 by RF Jones Memorial Dog Park. Proudly created with

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